
We envision the emergence of the Global Heart to balance and guide the further evolution of humanity. We see a world free of homelessness, violence, war, hunger, separation and disenfranchisement. We see a world in which there is generous & continuous sharing of heart and resources. We envision a world in which forgiveness, whether for errors, injustices, or debts, is the norm. We see a world in which borders are irrelevant. We see a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature and love through a resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics. We see a world in which fellowship prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience. We envision a world in which we live and grow as One Human Family. Center for Spiritual Living-Tacoma becomes a “point of inspiration and influence” effectively advancing the vision of Global Heart through its ministries and transformative teaching.

Center for Spiritual Living - Tacoma

A simple path… An extraordinary life.