FAQ & Helpful Links

FAQ & helpful links

What is The Center for Spiritual Living?
We are a diverse, open affirming spiritual community that welcomes all wherever you are on your spiritual path.

Are you a denomination?
We are a spiritual community and a way of life. We are a member church of United Centers for Spiritual Living which was based in Los Angeles and now is newly headquartered in Golden, Colorado. Our church attracts people from a wide variety of faith traditions. UCSL is part of the New Thought movement that drew its roots from the philosophy of Emerson and the American Transcendental movement.

What is Religious Science?
Religious Science was founded by philosopher Ernest Holmes who was a student of world religions, science and philosophy his whole life. In 1927 he wrote The Science of Mind, a synthesis of philosophy, science and religion. He intended it to be a tool for all faiths, but later established a church so that the truths that he synthesized could outlive him. Matthew Fox called Holmes “a creation spirituality mystic” whose teachings continue to help thousands live from Spirit more fully.

How can I become a member?
Each fourth Sunday there is a Discovery Class to learn more about CSL and to determine if you are willing to commit to being an active and contributing member of Center for Spiritual Living – Tacoma. Every quarter we have Membership Sundays in which we formally welcome new members into our spiritual community.

Is there a membership fee or financial obligation?
Members are expected to contribute to the support of Center for Spiritual Living – Tacoma and be active givers of time, talent and treasures. When we give, we engage the Law of Circulation and Divine Flow in our lives. Everything that has happened at Center for Spiritual Living – Tacoma is the result of individuals who have given generously to support our Sunday celebration services, our historic building and other community outreach programs. We are inspired to be a compassionate, prosperous spiritual community.

Helpful links
United Centers for Spiritual Living
Affiliated New Thought Network
Parliament of the World’s Religions.org
Association for Global New Thought
Associated Ministries
Our 2013 ByLaws